Inspiration Call: Week 2 January 2020 Writing Prompts

Are you new to the writing world or just a seasoned writer looking for inspiration? Do you want to have your poem featured to get your name out there? Maybe you love to read poetry and are looking for some fresh authors to try out. Then join the Creative Talents Unleashed family, and find all this and more. It is a site put together by writers who love the craft, and we love to endorse any writer who has a passion for writing.

Publishing opportunity details for our writing prompts can be found at Open Publishing Projects.

January 2020 – Week 2 Writing Prompts

Monday January 6, 2020 Writing Prompt

Inspiration Call: Micropoetry Monday

use this picture as inspiration for a micro poem (a short poem with no particular rules).

Tuesday January 7, 2020 Writing Prompt

Inspiration Call: Talking Walls

What story would the walls in this building tell if they could speak? Tell us the story.

Wednesday January 8, 2020 Writing Prompt

Inspiration Call: Word Prompt Wednesday: Great

Use the word of the day in poetic or short story form.

Thursday January 9, 2020 Writing Prompt

Inspiration Call: Street Signs

Take note of the words on signs and street names you pass while driving, walking, or riding the bus. Write a poem starting with one of these words you notice.

Friday January 10, 2020 Writing Prompt

Inspiration Call: 7 Days, 7 Lines

Write a poem where each line/sentence is about each day of last week .

Saturday January 11, 2020 Writing Prompt

Inspiration Call: 6 Word Story

Tell the story behind this picture in just 6 words. A Six Word story is a challenge for each writer to come up with a short story within six words.

Sunday January 12, 2020 Writing Prompt

Inspiration Call: Unsent Letters

The purpose of the unsent letter is to discover what impetus motivated it – which you may not know at the beginning – and decide what you need to do next, having discovered the impetus. You may, for example, need to change some aspect of your active life. You may decide to use the unsent letter as the basis for a letter that you do send. You may discover unsent letters are excellent ways to finish business with people and events that are no longer a part of your life.

Write an unsent letter – You don’t need to know everything you’re going to say. Allow the letter to ramble and develop in your usual style.

Writing tip from: Life’s Companion Journal Writing as a Spiritual Quest By: Christina Baldwin

All photos provided by

Publishing opportunity details for this writing prompt can be found at Open Publishing Projects.

#WritingPrompt #WritersChallenge #InspirationCall #CreativeTalentsUnleashed

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13 replies

  1. Up atop this gentle giant
    The sky is close to the touch
    I dream and dream of reaching beyond
    The visions in front of me are
    Too compelling to leave.


  2. Imagination is such a playful partner. Can you for a moment conjure such a sight where a little man with a funny hat sits so mysteriously upon his pachyderm? What could he, indeed, be thinking and what sort of adventures have they led.

    Pachyderm Parade

    What a ponderous plight
    perched upon a pachyderm
    are you perhaps
    patrolling for purple parrots?

    Pardon me
    but they are a persnickerous pack
    as they lack any sort of polite
    parading past your pachyderm
    clearly lacking permission or tact.

    © 2020 Baidha Fercoq All Rights Reserved


  3. Dear Love,

    I missed you today, I missed you yesterday. I have missed you everyday since you went away. My heart breaks silently wishing for your return. I don’t know where you went or why you stay so far away, I only pray for your return. It is so lonely here, so bland. Life lacks color and vibrancy without your presence. I hold you in my heart, the way I remember you, full of life, full of love for me, where I never doubted you or our future. That is all I have to hold onto. Everything is so uncertain, so confusing, so sad. I am tired, am literally exhausted with this torment that I call life. It is time for a change, a change only I can make. I have to let you go. I have to say goodbye to what I had hoped for, for what I imagined and got carried away with in my mind. I have to grab hold tightly to the reality and make the best of what I have been given. Perhaps, that is a better future anyway, something real, something genuine, something tangible..not a fairytale that can never come true.

    So, my dear love, I bid you a final aideu, tip my hat and walk away. I fair thee well.


    My Heart


  4. blue woman riding a black elephant

    blue woman
    riding a black elephant
    in my wild dreams

    harbingers of my doom

    riding straight out of hell
    emissary of the dark one
    taking me to meet my fate


  5. woman in haunted house

    I find myself
    waking up
    in a dream
    walking towards

    a haunted mansion
    in a field
    outside of town
    In England

    I see a woman running
    towards the mansion
    is she real
    or is she also a ghost


  6. Greatness is a state of grace
    Reflecting your inner soul
    Every day the dream
    All coming to your mind
    That leads to inner greatness


  7. wild mushroom village
    eating wild mushrooms
    picked in the forrest
    along the mountains
    in Sanchu Valley Korea

    in the wild mushroom village
    will I live forever
    I wonder
    as I eat yet more super foods

    trying to avoid
    my fate
    will cancer avoid taking me
    this date

    I don’t know
    all I know
    is that eating wild mushrooms
    might avoid such a fate


  8. Cosmos’s Week

    Sunday bloody Sunday time to make love
    Monday day to reflect and plan
    Tuesday day to get things done
    Wednesday mid week hump day
    Thursday day to bring it all together
    Friday Day to go out have a drink
    Saturday day to have fun wrap it all up



  1. Hurry!: A Haibun | Padre's Ramblings
  2. A Week in Verse | Padre's Ramblings
  3. Miscellaneous Prompted Micro Poems 21 | Padre's Ramblings

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