Dorothy by Jacqui Slade

Spiraling through dreams, hurricanes of mind

searching for something that you cannot find.

In wistful tornadoes a wish is blown

over the rainbow, you find yourself thrown.

Living in colour avenging the grey

in wonder wayfarer finding your way

through perils and sadness your journey starts

hoping you’ll find the home of your heart.

With each step you take your shoes glitter red

each sparkle a mirror of light in your head.

Your pace small in stature, but huge in stride.

Which way you go is for you to decide.

Melodramatic your faith in your charm.

Conscience will guide you, protect you from harm.

Tempted by fields of malevolent guise

perfumed to trick but awakened you’re wise.

Your path is golden, tenacious your soul

to battle your demons you have control.

In cinematic musical aplomb

you start to realize how far you have come.

Resolute not to stray in your motion

you find there is no magic or potion.

The magician you seek lives in your thoughts

you have the answers to all you have sought.

Prowess unleashes the lion and you

find courage and roar pride in your truth.

Your head wasn’t filled with bales of straw

intelligent, wise of that you are sure.

Your heart not leaden with grief but with love

you come through stronger the journey’s been rough.

The home of your heart is where your love lies

no grasses greener and no bluest skies.

© Jacqui Slade

Excerpt from the book “Down The Rabbit Hole”

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