Introducing Author Leon Pryce “Immortalized Through Poetry”

Immortalized Through Poetry

Preface . . .

You may ask, “Why the title Immortalized through Poetry?” but let me give you a little history and background about the author. I never started out writing poetry; I started out as a poverty stricken, uneducated youth with no direction in life. I was depressed, sometimes I still am, I had bottled up feelings that I never knew how to dispose of, until I was introduced to writing as a therapeutic antidote to a disease which would have ended my journey through life sooner than I could imagine.

Poetry gave me an avenue to better days when it seems no one cared about me, as you will read in “Broken Wings.” This book is my legacy to the world. This is my contribution to society. This is my life when there will be no more life for me to live, my spirit will reign within the rhymes and rhythms of these poems. I have no children to carry on my name or my DNA, therefore this book will be heir to the genes of a man who once existed on this planet.

You hold in your hands today a collection poetry that has been written by a man who`s only ambition is to write quality works that will surpass the boundaries of time. I once asked the question, “Why do I have to die before the world realizes that there was a poet named Leon Pryce who existed on this earth?” well that question was one of the reasons why this book was produced today. It is my wish to be immortalized in life, for my work to be known and to enjoy the benefits of the love from my readers while I am alive and well.

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