About the Author: Unleashed ~ Shanese Whyte


Unleashed ~ Shanese Whyte

About the Author

My name is Shanese Whyte. I am twenty years old and currently in my first year at the University of the West Indies, Mona, where I’m undertaking a degree in Literatures in English. I am an only child who found a new world through reading, and would experiment with writing idly before taking it more seriously in high school. I usually draw inspiration from random observances of the people around me and their behaviors toward each other. I also love to sing and often try to dance but I have yet to perfect my moves.

Drawing is also a hobby I have made use of whenever
reading material ran out. However there is always a new book being written, new poetry penned and songs created, and so I am ever eager for a sample. I hope that I’ll be able to influence my peers and even the younger generation to generate a similar passion for reading and writing creatively as I have.

I have had several poems published in the Jamaican newspaper, The Gleaner, between 2011 and 2012. These include, ‘Pensive,’ ‘Lost Girl Inside’ and ‘Breaking Point’, among others. This privilege has also helped in boosting my confidence to write more and share my writing with others.

Shanese’s Links



Unleashed Author Contributed the following Pieces:

The Dread of Air Conditioning

100% of all proceeds from this book are being donated to the “Starving Artist Fund” to assist writers in becoming published authors. This Book Purchase can help a writer become a published author! Please check out our book “Unleashed” and support a writer today! http://www.ctupublishinggroup.com/starving-artist-fund.html


Categories: Creative Talents Unleashed

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3 replies

  1. Hey Raja. Can you change the blog address to https://viewsofawanderingmind.wordpress.com/ please? Thank you again for the support!



  1. Anthology: Unleashed – Creative Talents Unleashed

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