Inspiration Call: Tanka Tuesday


Inspiration Call: Tanka Tuesday

A Tanka is a Japanese poem and similar to a Haiku, however it has seven lines. Tankas are nature, seasons, love, and other emotions.  Line one has a five syllable count, line two is seven syllables, line three is five syllables, line four is seven syllables, and line five seven syllables. In total it has thirty one syllables.  It uses simile, metaphor, and personification.

The pattern for Tanka is the following:

Line 1: 5 syllables

Line 2: 7 syllables

Line 3: 5 syllables

Line 4: 7 syllables

Line 5: 7 syllables

Writing tip from: Writing Tips – Exploring The Writer’s Path

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1 reply

  1. your smile
    a remedy for the dark
    I nestle in its light
    knowing it will expire soon
    like a flame on a wick


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