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서류 올리적재

오늘의 그림

Common crab spider (Xysticus cristatus) female with prey Carniolan honey bee (Apis melifera carnica), a subspecies of the western honey bee. Near Bled, Slovenia.

+/− (ko-kp), +/− (en)

오늘의 매체
The YouTuber of "How To Make Everything" reconstructs the aeolipile "to see if this very first steam engine could be put to work". "Could the industrial revolution [have] started 2000 years earlier?".
Roman architect and engineer Vitruvius described the aeolipile for an experiment to demonstrate the nature of atmospheric air movements (wind) in his Ten Books on Architecture (30–20 BCE).

+/− (ko-kp), +/− (en)

Picture of the Year Winner
Indian streetseller hands displaying green chickpeas.
Indian streetseller hands displaying green chickpeas.


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